Hello VN User! In this tutorial, we will show you how to download VN Video Editor for Windows using Bluestacks.

This is a simple way of downloading the app that is only available for mobile. Hope this was helpful to you.


1. Download and install Bluestacks

  1. Go to **Bluestacks.com** and click on download.


  2. Once it's done open the file wait for the installation complete.

  3. When the installation process finishes you have to wait for it to extract.

  4. Bluestacks will start automatically.

2. Install VN Video Editor

You can go to Google Play and install VN or use the VN APK to install it.

This two way you can make it easy to edit your videos on Windows.

3. Import / Export Footages

  1. Open Media Manager to import footages or VN project files for editing.

  2. You can also export your VN edited videos to Windows.

4. VN Guidance